Friday, September 30, 2011

nuclear energy( it's not all bad)

1) differentiate between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.

first and foremost, alpha radiation is made of helium atoms that move very fast and can pass through paper, but nothing thicker. beta radiation is made up of fast moving electrons. one advantage they have is that they are so light that they can actually fly through multiple layers of plastic or even some thin amounts of metal. lastly gamma radiation are made up of photons and can penetrate sheets of lead.

2) differentiate between fission and fusion.

with fission you are literally pulling apart the atoms in an element. fusion on the other hand you are combining two elements' atoms. altough fusion is powerful, fission is more powerful.

3)describe nuclear energy and list the pros and cons of its uses.

nuclear energy is what is produced when you do a reaction like fission or fusion. some pros are: little pollution, reliable, and somewhat safe. some cons:possible meltdowns, radiation, and waste disposal.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the recycling factory

let's say you have 5,000 dollars and you need to separate 4 types of recyclable materials, but you only have the following densities: aluminum soda cans: 2.7 ; steel cans: 5.7; milk jugs: .95; and soda bottles: 1.4. keep in mind they are all in the units grams per centimeter cubed. you have at your access a conveyor belt, a large tank that can be filled with water, another large tank labeled "concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 grams per centimeters cubed", several magnets hanging above the conveyor belt, and several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping . you must have a plan of action to complete this task.

if i was in the situation that have just desrcibed to you i would first take the magnet and run it over the powders since the steel cans would lift up and i would transfer that to a separate container. from there i would take the remaining powder and place in the large container of water and since the denisity of water is 1.0 then the powder that floats would be the milk jugs  and the powder that sank was the plastic bottles or the aluminum cans then i would skim out the plastic bottles. going back to the aluminum cans i would then put it in the concentrated sugar water and the powder that sank would be the aluminum cans. lastly put all the materials on the conveyor belt to be put into piles.

Friday, September 2, 2011

why chemistry is the most important science?

without chemistry we would be utterly and completley lost. i mean without chemistry we wouldn't have fireworks and life would be less colorful and bright. without chemistry we wouldn't be able to tell medicene that could help you from medicene that could kill you.without chemistry how would you know how long to cook your food and what happens to you if it is raw and you eat it? for all those people who have always felt hatred of chemistry with a burning passion i want you to understand chemistry is more important then you realize.